What Is a Hose Reel and How Does It Work?

You already know what a hose is. It’s that long tube usually in the garden. It is also known as a hosepipe and can be made from rubber or plastic. A hose can contain liquid such as water or air. Have you used a hose in the past? Most buildings need a hose to quench accidental fires or water the garden. But what is a hose reel? And why do you need that? We will discuss these points in the rest of the article. 

A hose reel helps to hold a hose. Often, you will notice that some hoses are very long, especially if they are on a large farm or house. Allowing the hose to simply lie around can trip children and adults alike. Such accidents can sometimes be fatal. Also, the sight of an idle hose is not particularly a great one. These challenges explain why you need a hose reel. 

A hose reel is typically round and made from plastic or metal. The hose goes around the hose reel. So, the size of the hose will often determine the size of the reel. Some reels are made for a fixed location, like in your backyard or on the wall. Others can be carried around as need be. You can check out some of our hose reels

Some reels have a handle for rolling the hose around. But there is also the automatic type which allows you to wind and unwind the hose without manual effort from you. But do you need a hose?

Why You Probably Should Be Using a Hose Reel

A hose reel is pretty beneficial. Hose owners know firsthand that it protects their hose. Without a reel, you may end up puncturing or bending your hose by mistake. Replacing or repairing a hose is expensive and avoidable. A reel will secure and arrange your hose neatly. And as mentioned earlier in the article, using a hose reel can ensure your safety by removing obstacles you can trip on.

What Is a Hose Reel and How Does It Work?

Going Back in Time: The History of Hose Reels

As with everything, hose reels have a history. Yes, the art of managing a hose has improved over the years. You may remember the ancient practice of coiling a hose by hand. This method has obvious disadvantages. For example, coiling a hose is laborious. Also, the process is imperfect and can damage your equipment. So you can see why reels are a big deal. They are easier to manage and will improve your handling efficiency. 

Early Methods of Managing Hoses

Did you have the experience of rolling a hose with your hands? This was a common practice years back. After coiling the material, it is then hung on hook or left on the floor. Storing a hose this way is counter-intuitive and can cause damage. Also, the hose may develop a crease that impairs the flow of liquid or air. Fixing the dent on a hose is almost an impossible job. 

How the Hose Reel Has Changed Through the Years

Thankfully, hose technology has evolved through the years. Hose reels have helped to improve the efficiency of modern farmers and firefighters. The first type had a wooden or metal spool. You can roll this spool to store the hose. However, this date hose technology wasn't very portable due to their weight and size. But the introduction of rubber and plastic helped produce lighter reels that lasted longer. 

Cultural Meaning and Use of Hose Reels

In communities where agriculture is very big, dwellers use a hose reel daily. These reels help improve the irrigation process. But they are also very important in urban areas such as cities. You may have spotted a hose reel during a firefighting operation. Hence, people of different cultures view a reel differently. In some cultures, it is for firefighting. In others, it is for agriculture. The agriculture part can serve a commercial or subsistence need. They are also used in some homes to tend to gardens and lawns.

What Is a Hose Reel and How Does It Work?

The Different Components of a Hose Reel

A hose reel is made up of different parts. These components all do different things. They also make the device easy to use. A regular hose reel has these components:

  1. A spool with a handle
  2. A drum
  3. A guide arm and a frame

The various parts come together to make a hose reel.

The Components of a Hose Reel 

These components can be described to give the basic structure of a hose reel:

The Reel

The reel is perhaps the most important part of a hose reel. This part holds the hose in place. It prevents it from getting loose. It also allows it to be wrapped and unwrapped easily.

The Frame

The frame is another important part. It is the part of the hose reel that supports the reel. It can be hung on a wall or placed on the ground. They can also be made portable. This all depends on the design of the hose.

Hose Guide

Most hose reels also have a hose guide. This hose guide is used to avoid tangling of the hose. A hose can get tangled when it is wrapped around the hose reel. This tangling can also happen when unwinding the hose. The guide stops that from happening. It makes sure the hose doesn’t tangle when wrapped. It also protects the hose from damage.

The Handle

Hose reels of the manual kind have handles. These handles make it easier to wrap the hose on the hose reel. It is more efficient this way and less stressful. Automatic hose reels might not have this component.

What Is a Hose Reel and How Does It Work?

The Different Hose Reel Types

Hose reels come in different types and designs. For example, there is the manual and the automatic or retractable type. We will learn more about the different types in the next heading. This will help you decide when shopping for a reel. 

Manual Hose Reel

Manual hose reels have come with a handle. To wrap and unwrap the hose around the reel, the user will manually roll the handle. This may seem like work but these types are often more affordable for this reason. Will you be getting a manual hose or something more advanced?

Automatic or Retractable Hose Reel

The automatic or retractable hose reel doesn’t have a handle. They have an in-built spring mechanism that automatically pulls the hose back into the reel. So the user doesn't need to put any effort into the folding process. Many users prefer a retractable hose over manual ones due to this convenient feature. You can see how a retractable hose reel works.

Which Should You Choose: Wall-Mounted or Portable Model

If you get a wall-mounted hose, it will be fixed in one position, usually on the wall, near a water source. This wall-mounted option is not ideal if you own a large property or several properties you minted to access with just one equipment. 

The portable hose reel model is the opposite of the wall-mounted version. These are not fixed in one place, so you can move them around. We recommend a portable hose reel for situations where you may move around and need a reel on the go.

What Is a Hose Reel and How Does It Work?

How a Hose Reel Works

So, how does a reel function? Here, we explore the inner workings of this piece of equipment:

The Mechanism Behind the Operation

There are two simple actions you perform when using a hose reel: unroll and rewind the hose. First, you unroll the hose from the reel to use it. Rewinding the hose is the opposite action. Usually, you do this later action to store the hose after use. 

How Hose Reels Prevent Tangling and Damage

Because the hose neatly rolls over the reel, this will prevent tangling and damage. This storage option is better than simply leaving the pipes on the floor. Poor storage can cause the pipe to tangle and tear. Imagine spending precious time trying to untangle your hose when you can be doing work! So you can wrap the tool up once you are done with work. This way, there is no need to deal with tangled tubes when next you need the tool. 

The Benefits of a Hose Reel 

A hose reel is more than a fanciful equipment. Owning this tool will result in these benefits:

Easy Storage

Hose reels offer a more compact storage system. It will save you space and is more convenient. This will reduce the risk of tripping over them.

Maintenance of Hose Quality

Using a hose reel prevents tangles and wear that may come from stepping on or mishandling the tool. Taking care of your hose this way will extend the lifespan for a long period. 

For Garden or Workspace Beauty

Using hose reels can also help to beautify your garden or workspace. It shows your organization. It helps make the space look clean when the hose is kept properly. This improves the general look of the garden or workspace.

What Is a Hose Reel and How Does It Work?

Preserving and Storing Your Appliance 

We hope this quick guide is helpful in maintaining your appliance:

Guide for Great Hose Use

There may be a slight variation in the handling among the different types of hose reels. For instance, rotate the manual hose reel handle slowly while you are unwinding it. Also, it will prevent tubes from tangling. But this is not a problem with retractable reels. When you use an automatic hose reel, do not pull the hose too fast or it might be jammed. Then, be sure to pull in a type of straight line. And lastly, always check the user manual for your hose reel type. 

How to Maintain Your Reels

A hose reel can last a lifetime if you take care of it well. This can save you money and the stress of replacing a faulty gadget. There are many things you can do to look after your reel, but consider these major points:

Clean the Tube and Case After Use: You should clean your hose and the reel when you notice dirt. Otherwise, neglect will cause dirt to build up. This will affect the operation. For example, dirt particles on the hose can make it water faster. You may decide to clean the gadget depending on how often you use it. 

Inspect the Hose Reel: Remember to check on the condition of your reel as time goes by. Check for wear or tear. Replace faulty parts. Or you may repair any damages on the hose. The latter method can save you some bucks. 

A Hose Reel Makes Things Easier 

You may have had your hose for a while now hanging on a nail you fixed on your wall. But in this guide, we have helped you see reasons why a reel is a good investment. 

A hose reel makes storing your hose a lot easier. It can help preserve your hose quality. It simply makes everything easier. If you want to save yourself money, we can tell you for a fact, you need to get a hose reel.