10 Benefits of Using Hose Reels

Do you own a hose reel? Maybe you went to visit your uncle one time and saw one in his garage. Or you might have wondered what that round disc mounted in a firefighter station is. That is a hose reel.

A hose reel is a tool that secures a hose pipe. It helps preserve the hose so it lasts long. With a reel, you as a hose owner will use it for a long time. This simple tool is very effective. It has a lot of benefits in your home.

We will give you the top 10 benefits you will get from a hose reel. Keep reading!

1. Hose Preservation

This is our top benefit of a hose reel. This tool prevents kinks and twists in your hose. Kinks can affect water flow and weaken your hose. 

Traditional garden hoses are rubber-made. They are most times dragged on rough surfaces. You can randomly step on them too.

This makes the hoses spoil on time. With a reel, you keep them free from damage. A reel comes with a protective casing that shields the hoses. Sharp objects and sun can not touch the hoses.

Preserving your hose can save you money. We did our maths and realized that without a reel, you could spend $100 extra on hose replacement. This could be done every 5 years. This amount depends on if you protect your hose from sunlight. 

10 Benefits of Using Hose Reels

2. Ease of Use

With a hose reel, you can unwind and rewind your hose easily. No need to stress, just roll up the crank. 

There are retractable hose reels which make life easy. You don’t have to manually coil or uncoil the hose to use it. This saves a lot of time for you.

If you own a garden, you do not need to stress yourself entangling your watering hose. Your hose will not develop leaks and waste water. Your water pressure will also be optimal while you work.

10 Benefits of Using Hose Reels
3. Organized and Tidiness

The reel helps you to neatly pack your hose at all times. This reduces accidents. A rough hose lying on the ground can make someone trip and fall. 

As a gardener, you know how important it is to have all your tools handy. With a hose reel, your hose is ready for action. You keep your garden flourishing and tidy at all times.

10 Benefits of Using Hose Reels

4. Simplifies Hose Storage

A hose reel simplifies hose storage. Normal hoses are often entangled after use. So you may find it hard to store them neatly. 

A hose reel reduces this problem. You can just crank it up to the reel. Or you could allow it to retract automatically into the reel. This keeps your hose organized.

The design of a hose reel also saves space in your garage or shed. Flash your mind to that one time you saw a tangled hose in a garage. Sore sight, wasn’t it? With a reel, your hose is neatly stored and ready for use.

You can mount it on the wall or put it in a special spot. Whichever method you choose, a hose reel makes your shed or garage look neat. It also opens space to find other tools you may need. 

Also, with a hose reel, you protect your hose from damage. Rain, sun, and bad weather can affect your hose. It could make it crack or leak. Storing your hose in a reel will keep it clean and extend its lifespan.

10 Benefits of Using Hose Reels

5. Improves Garden Safety

Safety is important for all homeowners. As a homeowner, you want your house to feel safe all the time. You will not want guests to trip and fall thanks to something you left in their way.

This is how traditional hoses can be. They are mostly left lying around. This makes them tripping hazards.

Your kids or guests and even yourself could be at risk. With a hose reel, you wind up your hose in check. This reduces the chance of tripping or accidents. 

A retracted hose reel, for instance, comes with an auto retraction. This makes your hose retract to the reel with just a touch. You would not have to worry about a hose lying on your path and making you fall. This makes a reel a safety tool.

Also, a hose reel prevents damage on plants and beds in the garden. A hose can get onto your beautiful flowers or plants and uproot them. By keeping your hose in a reel, you protect your garden. You also maintain its beauty.

10 Benefits of Using Hose Reels

6. Saves Time and Effort

We know how much gardeners (who really love gardening) take their gardening time. They see it as enjoyable and use it to relax. How do you think a gardener will feel with an entangled hose? Frustrating, isn’t it.

A reel can save a lot of time and effort of a gardener. You will not want to spend about 30 mins of your precious gardening time untangling a hose. With a hose reel, you can do so in seconds.

Whether you choose a retractable or manual reel, this device saves you a lot of time. All you need is to pull or roll up the crank.The convenience you get from a reel gives you more time to take good care of your plant. 

Gardeners are not the only ones who love the hose reel. Whether you are washing your car or furniture, you benefit. A hose reel makes the processes easy and efficient.

If you really want to save more time to get things done, we suggest you get a retractable hose reel. It reduces any stress you could experience from using your hand to crank a reel. This reeltype is great for people with limited mobility.

But all can benefit from using it. It does all the heavy lifting for you so you work efficiently.

7. Contributes to Flexibility and Convenience

We all love convenience. No one wants distractions or stress while doing any activity. 

Whether you are gardening or washing a car with a hose, you will not want any cumbersome hose. You want your hose to move around with you without stress. With a hose reel, this can be a dream come true.

A hose reel allows you to move around without dragging a tangled hose. It also helps you reach all the corners with your hose easily. For instance, if you are gardening with a tangled hose, imagine how uncomfortable the experience will be.

How about reaching all the areas in the garden with a tangled hose? That will not be possible. 

A hose reel gives you the flexibility to move everywhere in your garden. It is also convenient as you don’t need to bother about ruining your plants with a knotted hose. You focus on watering your plants and giving it full attention.

Many hose reels like the retractable come with adjustable lengths. You can extend your hose to any length you want and lock it in. This helps you control the pressure when watering. You also take good care of plant.

Also, some hose reels can be mounted on the wall. So, you save ground space and can use the hose anytime. 

10 Benefits of Using Hose Reels

8. Better Maintenance

There is no better maintenance your hose needs than being away from sun rays. The sun can dull the color of your hose and make it wear. Before long, you get a cracked pipe that leaks water. You either fix the tear or buy a new one.

With a reel, you save your hose from tear. You don’t have to run a lot of maintenance check every time. You are sure that your reel is protecting your hose.

Still, we advise reel owners to never neglect cleaning their hoses after use. If you want your hose to last long, you need to keep maintaining it, reel or no reel.
9. Reduction in Water Waste
A hose reel helps you reduce water waste. Since you store your hose well in the reel, there will not be wear or tear. This means that you prevent leaks or drips from happening.

Avoiding water waste shows how much of a green farmer you are. It shows that you support eco-friendly gardening practices.

10. Improves the Aesthetic of Your Garden

Your garden will thank you after months of using a hose reel. You are not afraid that your hose could scatter your flower bed. Or that it could destroy your plant. You are happy, using your hose without issues.

10 Benefits of Using Hose Reels


A hose reel can be that touch of greatness you need to improve productivity. It gives convenience and security to you. It also helps you organize your hose so it last long.

This reel is also cost-effective. You might spend a lot getting a new hose every 2 years. Imagine how much you will save if you just get a hose reel.

You need something that can last as a gardener. Your flowers need to be fresh all the time. Getting a hose reel can add beauty to your garden and you will really love this.